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Case Study

The Institute of Financial Wellness

Case Study: IFW


The Institute of Financial Wellness, an organization committed to providing financial education and leads to financial advisors, enlisted the expertise of 245Digital, a specialized digital marketing agency, to capitalize on HubSpot's capabilities and enhance their online presence. Through the collaborative efforts of 245Digital and HubSpot, the IFW aimed to overcome sales challenges and streamline their processes.

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The IFW faced difficulties in streamlining their sales processes and lacked scalability. They also struggled with lead and deal management, hindering their ability to generate and close deals at-scale.

A complicated maze with a dollar sign at the end


245Digital, in close partnership with the IFW, devised an
effective strategy utilizing HubSpot's automation capabilities

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Workflow Automation

245Digital implemented lead and deal workflow automations, optimizing the sales processes and enhancing scalability. This allowed for the seamless management of leads and deals.

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Webinar Strategy

A tailored webinar strategy was developed to attract a large audience and generate leads. The institute leveraged HubSpot's meetings, automated email campaigns, and landing pages to promote the webinars effectively.

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Conversion Optimization

245Digital implemented conversion rate optimization strategies to maximize lead conversion at every stage of the sales funnel. This involved A/B testing, personalized content, and targeted follow-up communication.

The lead and deal workflow automations 245Digital created for us have greatly improved our sales processes and increased our ability to scale. Our last webinar generated over 1,000 attendees, 120 meetings, and 40 closed deals. We couldn’t have done it without 245.

Darren Sussman

The Institute of Financial Wellness - President


The collaboration between the Institute of Financial Wellness,
245Digital, and HubSpot produced outstanding results


Webinar Success

The last webinar conducted by IFW, supported by 245Digital's strategies and HubSpot's automation, attracted over 1,000 attendees. This resulted in 120 scheduled meetings and 40 successfully closed deals. This represents a 110% increase in attendees, a 75% increase in scheduled meetings, and a 60% increase in closed deals when compared to prior webinars.


Streamlined Sales Processes

The lead and deal workflow automations created by 245Digital significantly improved the institute's sales processes, facilitating efficient lead and deal management.


Enhanced Scalability

The implementation of HubSpot's automation capabilities, guided by 245Digital, empowered the institute to scale their sales efforts effectively. They were able to handle a large influx of leads and manage them seamlessly.

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