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Our Strategic Roadmap™ Series

Unlock your business potential with 245Digital's tailored strategic roadmap process. Propel your growth, engage customers, and dominate your market with precision planning and expert guidance.

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245Marketing Roadmaps for HubSpot encompass strategic planning, tailored customer journey mapping, buyer persona development, and lead scoring, all aimed at providing the right messaging to the right personas at the right time.

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245Marketing Roadmap Starter - includes 3.5 hours of strategic meeting time with your team, a detailed portal audit, buyer persona creation, and high-level customer journey mapping.

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245Marketing Roadmap Professional - includes 4.5 hours of strategic meeting time with your team, a detailed portal audit, buyer persona creation, high-level customer journey mapping, and lead scoring development.

245Marketing Roadmap Enterprise

245Marketing Roadmap Enterprise - includes 6 hours of strategic meeting time with your team, a detailed portal audit, buyer persona creation, high-level customer journey mapping, lead scoring development, and bespoke content mapping.

Our founder Scott, a native Californian, jokes, “If you want to get from Knoxville to Los Angeles, don’t take a boat.”

Destination determines strategy, and strategy shapes the plan. 

With that in mind, the very first thing our sales and marketing leaders do with yours is develop a Strategic Roadmap™ that gets marketing, sales, and service lined up and pointed at a single destination.

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That roadmap will draw from your understanding of your industry’s terrain, our expertise in tech and sales enablement, and insights we pick up as we ask questions like these:

How would you define good growth? What about bad? Are you doing things the easy or hard way? Is the current strategy a boat, car, or jet? Where do you want to be in 3 years? 

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More often than not, our research reveals that you’re doing some things really well and that you can get some quick wins, too.

The end product is an actionable plan tailored to your specific strengths and weaknesses, and sales processes.

Download the free Customer Journey Map Template

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Ready to Roadmap?

Strategy is the best place to start when it comes to just about anything. Remember, your tools can't outperform your strategy. Complete this short form and we'll send you our calendar for a 15-minute intro meeting.