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Resource Library

Free Lead Scoring Template

Drive revenue growth by using this comprehensive lead scoring template, designed to help you identify and prioritize leads with the highest potential of conversion.

Free Customer Journey Map Template

Outline your company's customer journey and experience with this free customer journey map template.

Free eBook: Salesforce vs HubSpot

Switching Gears: Why Moving from Salesforce to HubSpot Could Boost Your Business

Lead Magnets

Designing an Irresistible Lead Magnet to Attract New Leads

Erik Manassy

Jul 1, 2024
Marketing Strategy

The Power of Strategy: Why Your HubSpot Tools Need a Strong Plan

Erik Manassy

Jun 28, 2024
Lead Nurturing

How to Create a Lead Generation Campaign for New Leads

Erik Manassy

Jun 27, 2024


Sara Weldon

CEO - TruFinCo

Darren Sussman

President - The Institute of Financial Wellness

Case Studies

Case Study


Learn how ChristianaCare partnered with 245Digital to enhance customer...

Case Study

DAVO by Avalara

Learn how DAVO overcame challenges and optimized efficiency with 245Digital's...

Case Study


Learn how TruFinCo's client engagement and revenue growth transformed with...

Learning Center

What is a Lead Magnet?

You need lead magnets to attract and capture...

What is the Lifecycle Stage in HubSpot?

What you need to know about the customer...


HubSpot in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

March 27, 2024, 11:00am EDT