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DAVO, a financial company owned by Alavara, operates in the restaurant sales tax space and sought to enhance their sales operations and partnerships. Facing challenges in managing sales to individual franchisees and preparing for the launch of a new Point of Sale company partnership, DAVO turned to 245Digital for a strategic solution leveraging HubSpot’s capabilities.

davo by avalara


DAVO struggled with efficiently managing sales to individual franchisees and needed an organized approach within HubSpot for an upcoming partnership with a Point of Sale company. They required a streamlined system to optimize sales processes and ensure a smooth transition for the new collaboration.

Restaurant point of sale system with money bursting out of it


245Digital provided a customized approach with three key strategies:

HubSpot Strategic Roadmap

HubSpot Strategic Roadmap

245Digital created a customized roadmap, aligning DAVO’s sales processes with HubSpot’s functionalities to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Custom Object Creation

Custom Object Creation

To improve sales management for individual franchisees, 245Digital developed a bespoke custom object within HubSpot. This allowed DAVO to tailor and oversee sales approaches for each franchisee.

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Organizational Setup for New Partnership

In preparation for the new Point of Sale company partnership, 245Digital restructured and optimized DAVO’s HubSpot interface, ensuring a seamless integration and efficient handling of the new venture.


DAVO's strategic partnership with 245Digital led to three significant outcomes:


Enhanced Sales Management

The custom object for franchises streamlined sales processes, enabling DAVO to better cater to individual franchisees and drive sales growth.


Smooth Partnership Launch

The organized HubSpot setup facilitated a successful launch of the Point of Sale company partnership, allowing DAVO to effortlessly manage the integration and capitalize on the new business collaboration.


Optimized Sales Efficiency

The strategic roadmap and tailored solutions improved overall sales efficiency, resulting in more effective and targeted sales efforts.

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