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Case Study

Dynamic Gaming Solutions

Case Study: IFW


Dynamic Gaming Solutions (DGS), a leading gaming management provider, partnered with 245Digital to simplify the Parent/Child relationship implementation for American Indian tribes and their casinos using HubSpot. This collaboration aimed to enhance data organization, improve sales and marketing efficiency, and gain better operational insights. Before implementation, 245Digital provided comprehensive HubSpot onboarding services to ensure a successful transition.



DGS faced the challenge of managing the various relationships between American Indian tribes and their associated casinos in an organized and efficient manner. With a complex network of ownership and affiliations, DGS needed a solution that would simplify their processes, streamline data management, and provide a unified view of all relationships.

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Once DGS was well-versed in HubSpot, 245Digital crafted a comprehensive strategy to implement the Parent/Child relationship using HubSpot's robust built-in capabilities. 

Custom Setup

Custom Setup

Building upon the foundation established during onboarding, our team optimized DGS's existing HubSpot setup to accommodate the unique requirements of the Parent/Child relationship implementation. This tailored approach ensured that the setup aligned perfectly with DGS's needs and goals.

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Company Object Implementation

Leveraging HubSpot's Company object, we created a setup that allowed DGS to view all American Indian tribes and their associated casinos within one cohesive screen. Using custom properties, we showcased ownership details, contact information, and deal data, providing a consolidated view of the relationships.

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Throughout the implementation process, 245Digital provided DGS with video documentation and coaching. This support ensured that DGS's team could effectively manage and leverage the Parent/Child relationship implementation in HubSpot. 

Great Implementation and Support

I was very pleased with 245. Scott is very personable and you can tell that he cares about giving the best support, advice, and service. He showed a great interest and understanding in how our business works in order to optimize HubSpot. Since HubSpot and our business are constantly evolving, I have had continuing questions and Scott and his team have always been there to help. I have had a great experience overall.

Travis Johnson

Dynamic Gaming Solutions - COO


The partnership among Dynamic Gaming Solutions,
245Digital, and HubSpot yielded exceptional outcomes.


Simplified Relationship Management

The implementation of the Parent/Child relationship strategy provided DGS with a simplified and organized way to manage the complex network of relationships between American Indian tribes and associated casinos. With a unified view of all relationships, DGS gained better visibility and control over their data.


Increased Efficiency

By streamlining data management and providing a centralized system, DGS experienced improved sales and marketing efficiency. With accurate and accessible information, their team could focus on executing targeted campaigns and nurturing leads effectively.


Enhanced Insights

The Parent/Child relationship implementation enabled DGS to generate insightful reports and gain a deeper understanding of their operations. The improved visibility into their relationships and data allowed them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies for better results.

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