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TruFinCo, a unique financial services provider, struggled to leverage HubSpot's full potential. Overwhelmed by the system's complexities and lacking time, leadership sought the expertise of 245Digital to optimize operations and enhance client engagement.

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TruFinCo faced challenges with inconsistent HubSpot usage, high no-show rates for appointments, inefficient lead management, and a lack of personalized client communication. TruFinCo needed a partner to understand their unique business model and implement effective strategies.

a disorganized map of a freeway system


245Digital provided a tailored approach with three key strategies:

Group (4)-2

Personalized Communications

245Digital developed personalized email communications that were tailored to each persona's preferences and interests, creating more meaningful connections. By infusing a touch of humor and creativity into the messages, clients were not only engaged but also excited to interact with the content. This resulted in higher open rates, click-through rates, and overall satisfaction among clients.

HubSpot Workflows

Customized Workflows and Automation

245Digital worked closely with TruFinCo to understand their specific needs and goals, crafting a custom Strategic Roadmap that outlined tailored workflows and automations for their email marketing campaigns, lead management processes, and client follow-ups. 

Integrated Two-way SMS System

Integrated Two-way SMS System

245Digital integrated Salesmsg, a cutting-edge two-way SMS system, into our communication strategy to elevate interactions with leads and clients. This implementation has revolutionized the way TruFinCo engages with their audience, allowing for seamless and instant communication. 

We've seen a 4x increase in revenues

In the past year and a half, we've watched our revenue steadily increase over the past four months. We've seen a 4x increase, which has been dramatic, and that's been also due to we put in some new workflows. We added an SMS system, which [245Digital] also helped us integrate into our whole flow, and it's just, it's been amazing. We've had people that are just so engaged with us and feel like we actually care and we're human, which is rare in our industry of funding. Most people aren't human and they don't care. But these touch points, all these things just work together and build off each other. 

Sara Weldon

TruFinCo - CEO


TruFinCo's strategic partnership with 245Digital led to three significant outcomes:


Enhanced Client Engagement

Personalized emails and timely SMS reminders resulted in higher response rates and rekindled interactions with previously disengaged clients.

Reduced No-Show Rates

Reduced No-Show Rates

Thoughtful appointment reminders and follow-ups significantly decreased missed appointments, optimizing client interactions and leading to more closed deals.

Revenue Growth

Revenue Growth

Over a four month period, TruFinCo experienced a 4x increase in revenue, attributed to improved client engagement and optimized processes.

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