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Are you tired, restless, and irritable? Does the phrase “HubSpot workflows” provoke feelings of both longing and rage? Do you find yourself staring at nothing and wondering where the tech went wrong?

If so, you may be suffering from Workflow Disappointment.

Book an appointment with one of our HubSpot strategists, and we’ll get you started on an effective treatment plan.

All joking aside, we encounter this disappointment on a regular basis.

HubSpot Disappointment

Marketing leaders tell us that HubSpot seems amazing. However, all that robust, versatile functionality came with complexity. They can’t shake a nagging feeling that they could be getting more out of the platform.

But how?

Workflow Automation

To maximize ROI with automations, you need three things

Radical Clarity

Radical Clarity

Understand precisely what strategy you need and what solution goes with it.



Write out each process, including rationale, major stages, and discrete steps.



Use the tech and tools to build the workflows and automations, according to spec.

If we don’t take the time to define the specifications, then we can’t know when we’re deviating from them, right? That precise definition, which we call radical clarity, was of critical importance during our software engineering days.

We created SRS docs (software requirements specifications), then low-fidelity wireframes, then hi-fi clickable prototypes.

Only once we had a prototype that matched the client’s documented needs and use cases would we start slinging code. Otherwise, the risk was just too high that we’d spend 100s of dev hours and $10,000s of client dollars building the wrong thing.

HubSpot Workflow Automation

Believe us when we say that sucks, and we learned that the discipline required to slow down (at first) and create clarity and documentation is less painful than the alternative.

We bring that same discipline to HubSpot workflows, and we start with a top-down look at everything you’re using, or not:



Contact Lists

Chat Bot



Web Connect




Social Media

Landing Pages


Lead Capture

Planning & Strategy













Knowledge Base

Call Tracking


Feedback Surveys





Then, we identify the right stakeholders and interview them to better understand the core problems you’re dealing with.

Here are some of the things we hear:

No documentation

“The person in this role before me didn’t document any of the workflows before he left, and I’m struggling to make heads or tails of this.”

fully automate

“We know we need workflows to fully automate this part of our business. But we simply don’t have time to build them properly ourselves.”

Zapier failing

“Our Zapier connections keep failing. We’re losing leads from our website. We really need tighter integration, like, yesterday.”

different apps

“Unfortunately, our sales, marketing, and service teams all use different apps. It’s chaotic. We’ve got to get everyone on the same platform.”

I love HubSpot

“I love HubSpot, but I’m pretty sure my team isn’t extracting all the value. Can you tell us what we’re missing?”

Strategic Roadmap process

Once we’ve got a good read on your current implementation and problems, we create the radical clarity, documentation, and workflows, according to spec, of course. We call this our Strategic Roadmap process.


Wow - My ROI Was Beyond My Expectations!

The lead and deal workflow automations crafted by 245Digital have truly revolutionized our sales processes, allowing us to scale new heights. It's incredible to witness the impact they've had on our success. Since joining forces with 245Digital, our recurring revenue has skyrocketed by an impressive 15x. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the exceptional team at 245Digital for making these achievements possible. Their expertise and unwavering support have been invaluable on our journey.

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Erik Sussman

CEO - The Institute of Financial Wellness

HubSpot Workflows

Need Help with HubSpot Workflows?

Implementing HubSpot workflows is easy if you know all the features and nuances available. Let us focus on your workflow automation so you can focus on your business. When you’re ready for help, start a conversation with us.

Simply fill out this brief form, and we will share our calendar link with you to schedule your intro meeting.