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Want to take your customer engagement to the next level? How about seamless SMS communication across all your platforms, personalized interactions, and automated workflows to make your life easier? Well, who doesn’t?

Enter HubSpot-Salesmsg integration.

Let's face it – keeping up with SMS communication across different platforms is tough. That's where we come in. See, when your CRM data and SMS channels aren't in sync, you're missing out on big opportunities. It's like trying to ride a bike with square wheels – it just doesn't work smoothly.


Key benefits of HubSpot integration with Salesmsg

Here's what you can expect

Enhanced Engagement

Enhanced Engagement

Say goodbye to crickets chirping after you send a message. With Salesmsg, you can achieve up to a whopping 90% contact engagement rate. That means your messages won't just sit there – they'll actually resonate with your audience.

Two-Way SMS and MMS.

Two-Way SMS and MMS.

No more one-sided conversations. With this integration, you can send and receive text messages directly from HubSpot's Contact and Deal records. And hey, why stop at text? Throw in some multimedia messages to spice up the convo!

Workflow Automation.

Workflow Automation.

Let's automate those repetitive tasks, shall we? With personalized text actions and triggers, you can streamline communication processes within HubSpot workflows. Contacts, deals, tickets – you name it, we've got you covered.

Detailed Analytics.

Detailed Analytics.

Knowledge is power, right? Dive into custom SMS reports and dashboards using Salesmsg data. Analyze your marketing campaigns, sales outreach, and support interactions with ease. It's like having a crystal ball for your business strategies.

Our strategic approach to HubSpot
Salesmsg integration

We don't just stop at the basics – we go the extra mile to ensure it's a
perfect fit for your business goals. Here's how we roll:

Discovery and Strategy

Discovery and Strategy

First things first, we sit down with you to really get to know your business inside and out. We want to understand your specific needs, challenges, and what you're aiming for with customer engagement. This helps us craft a tailor-made strategy that's all about maximizing the benefits of the integration.

Custom Setup and Integration

Custom Setup and Integration

No cookie-cutter solutions here. We'll tweak and tailor the setup to fit your workflows and communication style like a glove. Whether it's personalized messaging, automated workflows, or real-time data synchronization, we've got you covered. Our goal? Making sure Salesmsg plays nice with your HubSpot environment.

Strategic Consulting

Strategic Consulting

Consider us your integration gurus. We're here to offer guidance on how to squeeze every last drop of ROI out of this integration. From maximizing features to optimizing workflows, we'll help you make the most of it.

Training and Empowerment

Training and Empowerment

We offer detailed training sessions for your team. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, we'll make sure you're confident in managing and executing SMS campaigns directly from HubSpot. No more guesswork – just pure empowerment.

Ongoing Optimization and Support

Ongoing Optimization and Support

Our partnership doesn't end once everything's up and running. We're in it for the long haul. We'll keep an eye on things, regularly reviewing your usage and suggesting improvements along the way. And if you hit any bumps in the road, our dedicated support team is always here to help. Because your messaging strategy? It's gotta stay effective and efficient, no exceptions.

Got questions? We've got answers.

  • Can Salesmsg work with HubSpot workflows?

    Yes, Salesmsg can seamlessly integrate and work with HubSpot workflows. This integration allows for the automation of text message communication within your HubSpot workflows, enabling you to engage with leads and contacts through SMS at various stages of the customer journey. 

  • Does Salesmsg log SMS conversations in HubSpot?

    Yes, Salesmsg logs SMS conversations within HubSpot. This integration enables you to track and view SMS communication history directly within your HubSpot account, providing a comprehensive record of interactions with leads and contacts across all channels. 

  • Can I use existing phone numbers with Salesmsg, or do I need to acquire new ones?

    You can use existing phone numbers with Salesmsg, eliminating the need to acquire new ones. Salesmsg allows you to easily connect your current phone numbers to its platform, enabling seamless integration with your existing communication channels.* This ensures continuity in your communication efforts and allows you to leverage your established phone numbers for SMS messaging within Salesmsg.

    *Note: porting of your existing phone number(s) can take several weeks to a month to complete.

Take the Next Step

Take the Next Step!

Let's do this! With the HubSpot CRM and Salesmsg integration, you've got the tools to revolutionize how you connect with your audience. And guess what? Our team is here to support you every step of the way.

So why wait? Elevate your customer engagement strategy today. Reach out to us and let's harness the full potential of this powerful integration together. Your business deserves nothing less!