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HubSpot Workflow Automation,  HubSpot,  HubSpot Portal Audit,  HubSpot Go To Workflow

Overcoming the Nightmare of Unscalable HubSpot Workflows

Hey there, fellow marketers and business owners! Today, we’re going to dive into a topic that might not be the sexiest subject on your marketing radar but is definitely worth your attention. We’re talking about the negative effects of unscalable HubSpot workflows. Now, before you roll your eyes and think, “Oh great, another technical blog post,” hang tight! We promise to keep it informative, interesting, and most importantly, practical. So, let’s buckle up and explore the potential pitfalls of unscalable HubSpot workflows.

1. The Time Drain

We all know how precious time is in the business world. Time wasted is money wasted, right? Well, unscalable HubSpot workflows can be a serious time drain. Picture this: you’ve created a workflow to automate repetitive tasks, but as your business grows and the workload increases, these workflows start to crumble under the weight of your growing customer base. Suddenly, you find yourself spending hours fixing errors, troubleshooting, and manually managing tasks that should have been automated. Not exactly the time-saving solution you signed up for, eh?

Action Item: Avoid the pitfall of “hard coding” your users’ names in workflows and automated email templates, only to clone them every time you bring on a new salesperson. This approach will eventually spiral out of control. Instead, strive to create a single workflow with branches and a unified email template, utilizing a role or team-based approach for completion.

2. Customer Experience Suffers

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business, and their experience should always be a top priority. However, unscalable HubSpot workflows can directly impact the customer journey. Imagine a scenario where a workflow fails to trigger a timely follow-up email or sends out duplicate messages. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and even damage your brand reputation. After all, no one likes feeling like just another cog in the machine. It’s essential to ensure that your workflows are scalable and can handle the increased volume while maintaining a positive customer experience.

Action Item: Take a close look at your re-engagement workflows to ensure that you’re not bombarding contacts with unnecessary emails. Let’s say you have a group of Sales Qualified Leads that have gone quiet, so you place them in a Sequence. However, you also have a “check-in” workflow that sends an email after 30, 60, and 90 days to see if you can schedule a new meeting. It’s worth considering creating a workflow that first checks if your SQLs are already in a Sequence and takes no action if they are. This way, you can avoid overwhelming your leads and focus on targeted communication.

3. Missed Growth Opportunities

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, agility is key. Unscalable workflows can hinder your ability to adapt quickly to market changes and seize new growth opportunities. When your workflows become roadblocks instead of enablers, you risk missing out on potential leads, failing to nurture prospects effectively, and losing ground to your competitors. Marketing is a game of inches, and every missed opportunity can have a lasting impact on your bottom line.

Action Item: Instead of wasting time cloning or duplicating the same section of a branch repeatedly in your workflows, take advantage of the innovative “Go to Workflow” feature. This powerful tool allows you to seamlessly connect multiple branches to a single set of steps in your main branch. By utilizing this feature, you can streamline your workflows, eliminate redundancy, and enhance efficiency. Say goodbye to the tedious task of duplicating and hello to a more organized and effective workflow system. Maximize your time and productivity by harnessing the power of the “Go to Workflow” feature in HubSpot.

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