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Using HubSpot is a no-brainer for most companies we talk to, but the shine wears off if it takes for-friggin-ever to set up. Onboarding and implementation should take weeks, not months. (We're talking about HubSpot Onboarding, not the Roman Empire.) 

Before long, you should be reaping the benefits. Leads should be rolling in. Revenue should be going up and to the right.

HubSpot Onboarding and Implementation

To avoid all the delays, detours, and patience-frying doubters, here’s what you do

1. Define strategy

What problems are we solving for? What would success look like? How will HubSpot help you reach your goals?

Here are some of the problems we hear about:

Vector (46)

“Our contacts are scattered across spreadsheets, inboxes, and laptops. We need everything to live in one place with easy access for everyone.”

Vector (46)

“We use six different apps for sales and marketing. It’s time to consolidate.”

Vector (46)

“We can’t wait months to implement a CRM.”

Vector (46)

“Our sales, marketing, and service departments all use different apps. Our data is a mess. Everything feels sloppy and inefficient.”

Vector (46)

“We need to understand where leads are coming from and which channels are most effective so we can double down.”

2. Sketch a blueprint

A blueprint shows everyone what you’re building. It forces you to answer questions and make decisions and thereby minimizes confusion and messes when construction starts later.

HubSpot Implementation

Will you be using HubSpot’s Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Content Hub, Operations Hub, and/or Service Hub? How? 

HubSpot Implementation

Are third-party integrations or custom API development required? 

HubSpot Implementation

Will you migrate data from elsewhere? Is it too complex to fit into a .csv file? Does your team have the expertise or bandwidth to handle it? 

HubSpot Implementation

What workflows and automations do you need?

HubSpot Implementation

What’s the full technical setup? 

Account Settings

Company Information

Branding (logos, favicons)

Connect Domain

Connect Subdomains

IP Filtering

Configure Email Sending

User Setup

Users, Teams & Roles

Team Hierarchy

Configure Authentication

Default Signature(s)


Integrations Setup

Google Analytics

Email Integration

Social Media Accounts

Chat Integration

Asset Imports











Setup Team Inbox

Meeting Scheduling

Tracking & Notifications

Templates & Sequences

Canned Responses

Conversation Routing

Live Chat / Chatbot


Custom Dashboards

Sales Leaderboards

Productivity & Performance

Campaign Reporting

Website Analytics

Customer Satisfaction

Custom Reports

Website Forms

Initiate Template Creation

Landing Page Templates

Hubspot tracking code

Pop-up Forms

External Form Tracking

Native Forms (Embedded)

Deal Forms

Inbound Setup

Calls to Action

Inbound Workflows

Configure Blog

Social Media Publishing

Social Media Monitoring


Configure Intake Channels


SLA Definition

Ticket Pipeline

Custom Ticket Forms

Knowledge Base

Ticket Workflows

3. Execute the plan.

Eventually, you have to begin building, configuring, and testing in earnest. Then, you have to address the new needs that inevitably crop up, overcome your people’s confusion or resistance, and swat aside the inevitable curveballs. Believe it or not, this is the fun part!

HubSpot Implementation

Which piece will you implement first? 

HubSpot Implementation

What are the steps and milestones after that? 

HubSpot Implementation

How will you approach onboarding and training?

HubSpot Implementation

How will you ensure that you follow best practices? 


If I could rate these guys with 10 stars I would!

I have had HubSpot for several years and have absolutely loved it. However, I have always known I am not using it to the fullest and quite frankly don't have the time to figure out how to utilize it. When Scott and Jeff approached me I knew I had found what I needed but didn't know existed! They took the time to understand my business model fully (it's a tricky one) and have found the most amazing and creative ways to streamline processes and workflows. It has quite literally transformed my business. If I could rate these guys with 10 stars I would!

Star 3
Star 3
Star 3
Star 3
Star 3

Sara Weldon

CEO - TruFinCo

HubSpot Onboarding

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