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Common Mistakes You Can Make with HubSpot Workflows

Written by Scott Spaid | May 19, 2023 11:05:00 AM

HubSpot workflows are a powerful automation tool that can help streamline your marketing and sales processes. Workflows allow you to automate repetitive tasks, improve lead generation, and personalize communication with your contacts–making you feel like a HubSpot marketing professional. However, like any tool, there are common mistakes that can be made when setting up workflows that can hinder their effectiveness. Luckily, these mistakes are easily avoidable. Knowing what to look for can help you avoid slip-ups and focus on enjoying the benefits of HubSpot instead. Follow along while we will explore some of the common mistakes you can make with HubSpot workflows–and how to avoid them!

Not Defining Goals and Objectives

One of the most common mistakes when setting up HubSpot workflows is not defining clear goals and objectives. Workflows can be used for a variety of purposes, such as lead generation and nurturing, email automation, and deal automation. It’s easy to lose sight of the intended purpose of your workflows if you haven’t first taken the time to develop a clear understanding of your goals and objectives. Essentially, it can be difficult to create an effective workflow that achieves the desired results if you don’t put in some extra legwork upfront.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to define your goals and objectives before setting up a workflow. Ask yourself what you are trying to achieve with the workflow and how it aligns with your overall marketing and sales objectives. Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can then create a workflow that is specifically designed to achieve them and reap the benefits of HubSpot and its workflow tools.

Not Segmenting Your Contact List

Another common mistake when setting up workflows is not segmenting your contact list. Not all contacts are the same, and it is important to treat them differently based on their interests, behaviors, and engagement level. You don’t want to use the same generic approach for every person, but that’s ultimately what will happen if you don’t take the time to segment your contacts. By segmenting your contact list, you can create workflows that are more personalized and relevant to each group, making you into more of a HubSpot marketing professional.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to segment your contact list based on relevant criteria. Consider factors such as demographic information, website behavior, and engagement level when creating your groupings. You can then create workflows that are specifically designed for each segment, providing more personalized and relevant communication that is more likely to resonate with them. You can also view statistics and performance data for your marketing materials for each segmented list, making it easy to tweak your strategies per group rather than as an entirety.

Not Testing Your HubSpot Workflows

Testing your workflows is an essential step in the process of setting them up. Without testing, you may not realize that your workflows are not working as intended until it is too late. Testing your workflows allows you to identify any issues or errors that may be affecting their effectiveness. This is a similar line of thought as to why you would run a beta test on a website or application. Workflows can have bugs, too, and it’s critical to get them sorted out before you conduct a full launch. HubSpot amateurs might skip this step; however, a HubSpot marketing professional knows that it’s essential.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to test your workflows thoroughly before launching them. Test each step of the HubSpot workflow to ensure that it is functioning as intended and that your contacts are progressing through the workflow as expected. You can also use A/B testing to compare the effectiveness of different elements of your workflows, such as email subject lines or call-to-actions.

Overcomplicating Your Workflows

Another common mistake is overcomplicating your workflows. While workflows can be highly effective, it is important to keep them simple and easy to understand. Overcomplicating your workflows can lead to confusion, lack of engagement from your contacts, and poor lead generation.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to keep your workflows simple and focused on achieving specific goals. You can enjoy the benefits of HubSpot without cramming too many ideas into one. Avoid including too many steps or decision branches that can confuse your contacts. Instead, focus on creating workflows that are streamlined and easy to understand.

Not Monitoring Your Workflows

Once your workflows are launched, it is important to monitor their performance to ensure that they are achieving their intended results. Are they improving your lead generation? Do your contacts appear more engaged? Monitoring your workflows allows you to identify any issues or areas for improvement.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to monitor your workflows regularly. Use HubSpot’s workflow reporting tools to track the performance of your workflows, such as open rates and click-through rates. Use this information to identify any issues or areas for improvement, and adjust your workflows accordingly.

Create HubSpot Workflows That Work For You

HubSpot workflows are a powerful automation tool that can help streamline your marketing and sales processes. However, there are common mistakes that can be made when setting up workflows that can hinder their effectiveness. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can create workflows that are more effective, personalized, and engaging for your contacts. If you need some extra guidance on what kind of workflows will be best for your business, get in touch with our 245TECH team at (865) 465-4040. We are a HubSpot Certified Partner and are more than happy to guide you in your journey towards easier and more efficient marketing via HubSpot.