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Benefits Of HubSpot To Improve Your SEO?

Written by Scott Spaid | Feb 28, 2023 1:01:00 PM

One of the many lesser known benefits of HubSpot includes its ability to assist with your inbound marketing through SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is an essential aspect of any digital marketing strategy. It works to increase your company’s visibility on search engines, which ultimately leads to more traffic on your website.

This means more leads, more sales, and more business. Without the proper tools, such as HubSpot Marketing Hub, SEO can be time consuming and complex. It’s not uncommon for businesses to fall behind on their SEO or struggle to keep up with the newest best practices for SEO.

Using HubSpot to help with this critical part of digital marketing will not only turn you into a HubSpot marketing professional, but it will improve your relationship with SEO and benefit your business as a whole. HubSpot is a powerful inbound marketing platform that can help you with your SEO in a number of ways. Let’s explore some of the key benefits of using HubSpot for your SEO efforts.

Content Benefits of HubSpot

One of the most critical components of SEO is the need for high quality, high value content that reaches your target audience. Lucky for you, one of the many benefits of HubSpot includes its ability to create and manage this exact type of content.

HubSpot Marketing Hub can help you easily create various types of media. This includes blog postings, webinars, eBooks, email campaigns, and more. HubSpot even has a built-in blog editor that makes it easier for you to optimize your content for search engines and SEO practices.

This way, you can cultivate and edit your postings through the same platform for a more streamlined process. You can use this tool in conjunction with any number of HubSpot’s other tools, such as the blog topic generator.

This tool makes it especially easy to continue creating engaging content. You should also take advantage of its in-house SEO audit tool. This tool helps identify any technical issues within your website that could directly impact your SEO rankings.

Regardless of the content you’re needing, HubSpot will have a solution. You should play around with various types of media to see which work best for your inbound marketing campaigns.

Checking your company’s marketing performance metrics in conjunction with campaign deployments will help you understand which of your content works best with your target audience. From there, you can leverage that medium with SEO best practices to create the ultimate SEO strategy.

Tracking and Analyzing Website Traffic

Another important section of SEO is the analytics and tracking intrinsically tied to it. You can’t improve your SEO without knowing how your website and content are currently performing, so you should know where to go to get this data. HubSpot Marketing Professional provides in depth analytics tools that allow you to view page specific statistics for your website.

You can break down which sections of your site and content are working well and which ones might need a bit of work. HubSpot’s comprehensive analytics dashboard gives you the opportunity to track these metrics in real time, so you’ll know if a campaign is successful (and how successful) the moment it’s launched.

Moreover, you can take advantage of additional inbound marketing tools that can help you identify which visitors are the most engaged, segment your website’s traffic, and track conversions from the first to final click.

Keyword Research and Optimization

You can’t have proper SEO without taking the time to do your keyword research and optimization. It’s a task that’s tedious and, at times, daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. HubSpot actually helps you identify the keywords and key phrases that your specific target audience is searching for. With this information, you can optimize your personalized content accordingly. This is easily done through any of HubSpot’s numerous keyword research tools.

Take some time to investigate the tools and lock down the best keywords for your content. This will ultimately help boost your SEO practices and help with your website’s rankings. Again, the SEO audit tool comes in handy for identifying any technical issues that might exist within your website’s current content and pages. Keeping these tools in mind, you’ll quickly grow into a HubSpot marketing professional.

Marketing Benefits of HubSpot

Finally, you can’t forget that HubSpot allows you to integrate all of your marketing into a single platform– HubSpot Marketing Hub. Not only does this help with overall organization for your marketing team, but it ensures that your inbound marketing processes are streamlined and efficient.

Having a single platform to manage SEO, content, marketing campaigns and more is just one of the numerous benefits of HubSpot. Once you have your keyword research completed and content optimized for release, you can leverage HubSpot to automate your campaigns for you. You can make adjustments as data calls for them and frequently review the analytics dashboard to understand what’s working well.

Try Out HubSpot for Improved SEO Strategies

The benefits of HubSpot go on and on, and this includes its capabilities to take your current SEO strategies to the next level. You can elevate your current optimization techniques by leveraging HubSpot’s powerful tools to your advantage. Keep up with and outperform your competition by automating some of the more tedious SEO tasks.

This way, you can use the extra time to analyze metrics to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Ready to try out HubSpot’s SEO tools? As a HubSpot certified partner, our 245TECH team can get you set up in no time. Give us a call at (865) 465-4040 for more information.